Hong Kong Could Enter Recession After Protests Plummet Retail and Scare Tourists

Hong Kong Could Enter Recession After Protests Plummet Retail and Scare Tourists

Experts warn that the autonomous territory is headed for a recession after weeks of protests destroyed the retail sector and disrupted the booming tourism industry.
What Are the Biggest Population Shifts of the Last Century?
Home & Garden

What Are the Biggest Population Shifts of the Last Century?

With the world population hitting 7.7 billion, some countries have recorded huge population growth while others are experiencing negative numbers.
New Bill Could Raise Smoking Age from 18 to 21 and Reduce Smoking Rates

New Bill Could Raise Smoking Age from 18 to 21 and Reduce Smoking Rates

Proponents of the legislation believe that the law will be crucial in saving lives. It’s expected to significantly reduce smoking among people between the ages of 15 and 17 by nearly 25%.
The US Economy Grows 3.2% in First Quarter, Exceeding Expectations

The US Economy Grows 3.2% in First Quarter, Exceeding Expectations

It is also the best growth rate posted in the first quarter over the last four years.
President Trump’s History with Deutsche Bank

President Trump’s History with Deutsche Bank

For almost two decades, he relied on this bank for financing during a time when other banks refused to lend him money. Now, this relationship is being investigated by the New York attorney General.
Snapchat Could Launch a Gaming Service Soon

Snapchat Could Launch a Gaming Service Soon

The secretive “Project Cognac” is expected to be up and running by the end of the month, and it will feature externally developed games designed to work inside the Snapchat app.

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