The Gun Control Debate in 7 Simple Truths

The Gun Control Debate in 7 Simple Truths

While everyone has his or her own opinion regarding gun control, these are seven facts that can’t be ignored.
Transgender Navy SEAL Veteran Challenges Trump:

Transgender Navy SEAL Veteran Challenges Trump: "Let's Meet Face to Face"

Kristin Beck, a 20-year Navy SEAL veteran has challenged President Trump for a face-to-face meeting over the transgender ban.
Russian Hackers Tried to Hack The US Voting System According To A Leak From NSA

Russian Hackers Tried to Hack The US Voting System According To A Leak From NSA

Russian military intelligence hackers targeted a specific company that is linked to the voting software used by the United States’ presidential voting system.
OPEC Members Agree to Continue Production Cuts

OPEC Members Agree to Continue Production Cuts

After a recent meeting of OPEC, the organization has agreed to continue with the production cuts for another nine months.
US Warship Entering Chinese Waters

US Warship Entering Chinese Waters

The government of China warned one of the warships of the US to leave China waters as it stayed out near a reef in the South China Sea
Ford’s CEO, Mark Fields, Is Officially Out

Ford’s CEO, Mark Fields, Is Officially Out

Ford's CEO, Mark Fields, has been ousted from the position. And some experts are saying that this was caused by a takeover from within the company.

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