On Tuesday, Twitter confirmed that it had temporarily suspended the account of Alex Jones. Twitter told news outlets that the Alex Jones account has been put in “read-only mode.”
Google could find itself in the middle of another data scandal after a new report accused the search engine of tracking people’s movements even when they had opted out.
The conspiracy theorist, Alex Jones, had his posts removed from major social media platforms. Read more about it!
With the coming of Netflix and its huge success, Disney starts to work on its own streaming platform.
Facebook announced on Tuesday that it has identified a political campaign on its platform made of fake accounts. The social media giant said that the campaign was targeting the midterm elections. Over 32 pages and fake accounts were linked to this campaign.
Amazon’s new facial recognition software is being tested by law enforcement in several US states. However, it turns out that the software may not be as powerful as it first seemed. Reps John Lewis of Georgia, Bobby L. Rush of Illinois and 26 more lawmakers are at the center of these new revelations. The facial recognition technology developed by Amazon mistakenly identified them as people who had actually been arrested for crimes.