If you are looking for a side job in to earn some extra cash, then it’s likely that you have already encountered lots of money-making strategies. Earning a good amount of money and doing it quickly is possible, but it will depend on your skills and your needs.
Regardless of where you are from or what your profession is, the internet has made it possible for us to make money from everywhere. Now, it's no longer a never-ending, constant struggle. The proverbial world is right at your fingertips. You just have to know the ways to tap the huge amount of wonderful opportunities that are found both online and offline.

Some of the ideas we will present you may offer a quick solution to your money problems. Others, on the other hand, will take a good amount of your time as investment. Either way, choose one or two methods that fit your set of skills and give them a try.
For most of us, an online side hustle would be the easiest way in getting started. The startup cost is low and lots of places offer free Wi-Fi.
Online Ideas:
Blogging – Blogging is an excellent side hustle that you can do whenever and wherever you want. It’s not an easy and quick way of making money. But, there’re still lots of ways you can make money while you blog. Perhaps you may be interested in selling advertisement space, selling a product that you've created yourself or becoming an affiliate for other people’s products.
Sell on Amazon and Fiverr - Check your storage if you still have your old DVDs, CDs or books. If you do, then consider selling some of them on Amazon. It’s incredibly quick and easy to list all the items that you want to sell. You would be surprised at how much money you'll earn from selling old stuff.

Fiverr.com, a freelance services marketplace, will allow you to sell any kind of service. You can work on design projects or give a recording of yourself talking about a client's brand. It’s possible to earn as much as $10,000 a month.
Become a VA – Do you enjoy social media, blogging, and writing but you're reluctant in starting your own blog? Become a virtual assistant (VA) instead. You can find many VA jobs where you'll help your clients run their social media accounts and sites.

Offline Ideas:
Tutor – If you're a college student and you've already taken a class in your major, then tutor others in that particular class. You can earn at least $50 per tutor session.
Dog Walking – Almost all of us have neighbors with dogs. If they work during the day, offer your services as a friendly dog walker. This isn't just an excellent side hustle but it'll also give you the opportunity to exercise every day.