Trump Blames Amazon for the Decline of Brick-and-Mortar Retailers

Trump Blames Amazon for the Decline of Brick-and-Mortar Retailers

President Trump may be considering legal means to go after Amazon because he believes the retail giant is a negative force for small and locally owned businesses.
Consumer Prices Rise, Sparking Fear of Inflation Acceleration

Consumer Prices Rise, Sparking Fear of Inflation Acceleration

The US inflation has accelerated in January as shown by new data. Consumer prices in the country rose higher than expected and the data could pave the way for higher interest rates later this year.
Twitter Shares Surge After Revenue Turnaround

Twitter Shares Surge After Revenue Turnaround

Twitter’s shares rose to their highest in more than two years, driven mostly by the company’s expansion outside the U.S.
2 of the 3 Major Panels Investigating Russian Interference in the 2016 Election Are Being Gripped by Partisan Infighting

2 of the 3 Major Panels Investigating Russian Interference in the 2016 Election Are Being Gripped by Partisan Infighting

It seems that a bipartisan effort has come to a grinding halt on the Russian scandal.
Broadcom Wants to Buy Qualcomm in Largest Tech Deal Ever

Broadcom Wants to Buy Qualcomm in Largest Tech Deal Ever

In one of the largest tech deals ever, Broadcom wants to buy Qualcomm. Here’s what you need to know.
Boy Scouts Now Allows Girls, Which Ironically Angered Girl Scouts

Boy Scouts Now Allows Girls, Which Ironically Angered Girl Scouts

The Boy Scouts of America announced its plan to begin accepting girls into the organization. While many are thrilled with the announcement, the Girl Scouts of the USA organization is completely against the decision.

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