Lab-Grown Meat: A Potential Future For Sustainable Protein

Lab-Grown Meat: A Potential Future For Sustainable Protein

Alibaba Co-Founder Jack Ma Will Step Down As Chairman in One Year

Alibaba Co-Founder Jack Ma Will Step Down As Chairman in One Year

In an unforeseen but not unprecedented move, Chairman Jack Ma has announced that he will step down in a year from his position in Alibaba.

Twitter Permanently Bans Conspiracy Theorist and His Website Infowars

Twitter Permanently Bans Conspiracy Theorist and His Website Infowars

Twitter revealed on Thursday that it has permanently banned the account of right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones. The social media company also said that Jones’s website will be banned from the platform.

Republicans Accuse Twitter of Being Biased Against Conservatives

Republicans Accuse Twitter of Being Biased Against Conservatives

Republicans renewed on Wednesday their fight against major social media platforms this time targeting Twitter. During a congressional hearing, GOP lawmakers slammed the platform for being “biased” against conservative voices.

Apple’s New Phones Will Have the Same Design as iPhone X but with Bigger Screens

Apple’s New Phones Will Have the Same Design as iPhone X but with Bigger Screens

Apple will release three new phones this year, all of which will retain iPhone X’s edge-to-edge screen design. The devices will also come in a wide range of prices, sizes, and features.

Microsoft Claims It Has Found New Evidence of Russian Hacking Into US Political Groups

Microsoft Claims It Has Found New Evidence of Russian Hacking Into US Political Groups

Tech giant Microsoft confirmed on Tuesday that it has executed a court order to close down at least six websites linked to a hacking campaign by Russian intelligence. The hack was targeting right-wing think tanks, government institutions and Microsoft itself.

Elon Musk Opens Up About the Most Difficult Year of His Career

Elon Musk Opens Up About the Most Difficult Year of His Career

Elon Musk is having a hard time managing Tesla and his recent declaration on Twitter caused a fuzz.

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